Teacher Info:    

Name:                 Dr. A. K. M. Masud

Designation:         Assistant Professor  
Dr. A K M Masud joined the department of Industrial and Production Engineering in the year 2000 after completing his Ph. D degree from Mie University of Japan as a Monbusho scholar. His area of specialization in Ph.D. was materials. Earlier he had completed his undergraduate graduate degree from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. He has achieved numerous prizes for his outstanding performance during the research work. Click here to see his CV
Degree:               B.Sc. Engineering (Mechanical) (Bangladesh)
                           M.Sc. Engineering (Mechanical) (Japan)
                           Ph.D. (Japan)

Field of interest:                                                                                                 Click to see the list of publications

  •                  Fiber Reinforced Composite
  •                  Plastics
  •                  Machining Technology
Correspondence: Department of Industrial and Production Engineering, 
                           Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, 
                           Dhaka, 1000, Bangladesh. 
Telephone:          9665650~80 extension 7136, 9665611
e mail:                 masud1@ipe.buet.ac.bd

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